A Program of The Lee Institute

ALF Chapters

Today, there are eight active ALF chapters located throughout the United States. Each chapter tailors the Fellows program and Senior Fellows activities to the region that it serves.


ALF National

ALF · National
P.O. Box 8201
Myrtle Beach, SC 29578
Website: www.alfnational.org
E-mail: brenda@alfnational.org


ALF Chapters

ALF · Charlotte Region
c/o The Lee Institute
400 Hermitage Road
Charlotte, NC 28207
P: 704.714.4444
F: 704.375.4441
E-mail: cjoy@leeinstitute.org
website: www.alfcharlotteregion.org

ALF · Great Valley
1935 G Street C
Modesto, CA 95354
P: 209.522.5103
M: 209.499.4091
F: 209.522.5116
E-mail: amy@greatvalley.org
website: www.greatvalley.org

ALF · Hartford (currently inactive)

ALF · Houston/Gulf Coast
3101 Richmond Ave., Suite 140
Houston, TX 77098
P: 713.807.1253
F: 713.807.1064
E-mail: nory@alfhouston.org
website: www.alfhouston.com

ALF · Memphis (currently inactive)
c/o Leadership Memphis
365 S. Main Street
Memphis, TN 38103
P: 901.278.0016
F: 901.278.4868
E-mail: dwilliams@leadershipmemphis.org
website: www.leadershipmemphis.org

ALF · Michigan (currently inactive)
c/o College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Michigan State University
Room 66 Agriculture Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824
P: 517.355.8469
E-mail: romanch4@anr.msu.edu
website: www.glla.msu.edu

ALF · Mountain Valley
601 University Avenue, Suite 127
Sacramento, CA 95825
P: 916.920.5669
F: 916.920.5675
E-mail: mail@alf-mvc.org
website: www.alf-mvc.org

ALF · Oregon
221 NW Second Ave
Suite 306
Portland, OR 97209
P: 503.636.2288
F: 503.220.1335
E-mail: info@alfo.org
website: www.alfo.org

ALF · Rocky Mountain (currently inactive)
c/o Vail Leadership Institute

ALF · Silicon Valley
Sobrato Center for Nonprofits
1400 Parkmoor Avenue, Suite 280
San Jose, CA 95126
P: 408.554.2000
F: 408.248.3655
E-mail: alfsv@alfsv.org
website: www.alfsv.org

ALF · Tacoma/Pierce County
1119 Pacific Ave, Suite 801
Tacoma, WA 98402
P: 253.284.2280
F: 253.284.2281
E-mail: beth@alftacomapiercecounty.org
website: www.alftacomapiercecounty.org

ALF · Waccamaw Chapter
c/o Waccamaw American Leadership Forum Senior Fellows
P.O. Box 721
Pawleys Island, SC 29585
P: 843.344.0637
E-mail: scook.walf@gmail.com
website: www.waccamawalf.org

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